This demo builds two GKE Clusters and guides you through using secrets in Vault, using Kubernetes authentication from within a pod to login to Vault, and fetching short-lived Google Service Account credentials on-demand from Vault within a pod.
- han0110Taiwan
- rsvalerioAmsterdam
- methridgeRamah, CO
- davidholsgroveBrisbane, Australia
- RiFi2kOhio, USA
- emalloyTexas
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- robertoporfiroLisbon
- biehlera
- BogdanStoeanBucharest, Romania
- marcus-sa
- philliezDenver
- dan-brodieYorkshire
- jjenkins70Virginia
- NeckBeardPrinceBrentwood, TN
- festerzuki
- emilvaOslo
- source-rerCentennial, CO
- murrielcloud
- zosoabi
- catardifAll around the globe and beyond
- devopsvj
- himaatlurimadison, WI
- chazuSDF-1
- Os-carsunTaiwan
- X601169957911Malaysia
- jesper-lindbergSweden
- mota-lhdFrance
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- MihalczGaborDunaharaszti Kossuth Lajos u. 49 2330 HU
- kunzeseGermany
- jbontechchennai, India
- t83714Sydney
- sanketnadkarniPune