
helm chart frontend-external support config service type nodeport

willzhang opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe request or inquiry

helm chart frontend-external support config service type nodeport, like this

helm install xxx --set frontend.service.type=NodePort

What purpose/environment will this feature serve?

This feature enables quick access to the front-end web interface of microservices without the need for additional configuration work.

I hope to quickly access the web interface after deploying this microservice in the local environment, without the need for additional loadbalancer or ingress configuration, just nodeport is enouth.

But now that the deployment is complete, I must manually edit the service and modify the nodeport. If Helm provides parameters to set the nodeport, I don't need to。

@willzhang could you update this issue with additional details on what it is you'd like this feature to do, and what the desired outcome is?

Closing for inactivity. Feel free to reopen with more details!