A tutorial for creating a complete application using Node.js on Google Cloud Platform
- 1
- 1
Update samples/tests to use ES6
#83 opened by ace-n - 1
Error deploying 6 pub-sub
#95 opened by smartmonkey007 - 2
- 1
Fix the message structure
#120 opened by rjain15 - 0
Update engines field in all steps.
#28 opened by theacodes - 2
- 11
Bookshelf APP: Got errors at npm install
#32 opened by zijih - 1
- 2
jade dependencies
#51 opened - 1
- 1
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/chr/dev/nodejs-getting-started/3-binary-data/node_modules/gcloud/node_modules/grpc/src/node/extension_binary/grpc_node.node'
#54 opened by sholtomaud - 8
What configuration are available?
#56 opened by VikramTiwari - 0
Bug in runQuery sample code
#57 opened by archelogos - 1
- 2
- 1
Add service: service_name
#64 opened by hhhonzik - 1
- 0
- 6
catch Exceptions in pubsub
#68 opened by stephenplusplus - 0
Replace 'gcloud' with 'google-cloud'
#74 opened by ace-n - 1
Replace 'transformers' with 'jstransformer'
#75 opened by ace-n - 3
Add tests for data storage samples
#76 opened by ace-n - 1
Remove skipped files from app.yaml
#81 opened by JustinBeckwith - 3
2-structured-data - Post deployment Cloud SQL error: "ECONNREFUSED"
#104 opened by chai-jay - 9
#106 opened by L30Yu - 1
Missing config-default.json file in 05 and 06
#110 opened by RemiAWE - 2
npm WARN deprecated jade@1.9.2: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.14393
#122 opened by PharaonicDev - 1
Bump Google Cloud client library modules
#123 opened by kjin - 5
Error on 6-pubsub
#136 opened by raveinid - 2
npm error installing co-with-promise
#140 opened by matt728 - 1
Pubsub messages do not ack
#141 opened by robertjchristian - 1
Eager topic creation causes insufficient tokens for quota group and limit for pubsub admin
#142 opened by robertjchristian - 1
FEATURE REQUEST - function.yaml
#145 opened by robertjchristian - 1
- 4
Error parsing protocol message
#92 opened by alvarogomezuria - 2
missing file
#135 opened by campbe13 - 1
- 1
- 1
deprecated jade@1.11.0: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade
#113 opened by jacraven - 1
what's the nodejs version of the nodejs runtime?
#29 opened by aobo-y - 3
- 4
Doesn't appear to work with yarn
#98 opened by JustinBeckwith - 4
- 3
Wondering:: books/api.js for What?
#36 opened by bexoss - 2
npm install fails on Windows
#58 opened by cyrfer - 1
- 8
Error installing dependencies (grpc)
#93 opened by vvzen - 0
Errors are not logged because routes respond before logging middleware sees error
#38 opened by jmdobry - 4
3-binary-data: Cannot upload image
#107 opened by sravanrekandar