Terraform 0.12 support
anners opened this issue · 2 comments
anners commented
When running ./_helpers/build-infra.sh I get:
Downloading modules/core_project_factory for project_network.project-factory...
Downloading terraform-google-modules/network/google 0.6.0 for vpc_pci...
- vpc_pci in .terraform/modules/vpc_pci/terraform-google-modules-terraform-google-network-1d3242b
Error: Module not found
The module address "modules/gsuite_group" could not be resolved.
If you intended this as a path relative to the current module, use
"./modules/gsuite_group" instead. The "./" prefix indicates that the address
is a relative filesystem path.
I am using terraform 0.12
I looks like it is related to terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-project-factory#214
morgante commented
Updating to the latest version of network + project factory should help.
jmound commented
v2, just released, uses terraform v0.12