
issue with deploying model over vertex ai pipeline challenge : gsp354

lone-lobo opened this issue · 2 comments

i have been trying to deploy the model for couple of times which many alterations but every time it fails at the same step ;
tried to create a new service account and enable all necessary permissions for vertex ai pipelines to deploy the model , no success yet , although i was able to succeed at creating the endpoint every time without issues
tried with minimal deployment configuration and same requirements as the local run yet still no success

link to the challenge lab is here ->

scrapped through old issues to find out there was a similar issue reported and patched it here -> #2250

can anyone please check and let us know if the challenge lab is working fine ?

@jlpalomino can you check this please !

The same for me. At the begining there was problems with dependencies. And after Isolved them, it gives me the error not enough resourses.