
Throwing errors when app is saved to and accessed from iOS Home screen

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I am using google-signin in my app to check for credentials of the user, then allow/deny access to the main content. I am testing my app in several instances, and I saved my app to my iOS home screen using Safari.

When I am testing on desktop/mobile browser and hit the signin element, the browser opens a Google dialogue, which either auto-logs in or allows users to manually sign in, then closes and my app handles the outcome of that interaction.

After opening my app from my iPhone 6's Home Screen, I press the button to sign in and I am taken to a blank page; debugging returns the following issues:

Before pressing sign in button:

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'this.$.getItem')

Stack trace: Issue stack trace

When I actually attempt to sign in, I get a blank screen and the following error message:

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'this.c.setItem')

Stack trace: sign in dialogue stack trace

From what I can tell, the issue is with the google-signin element's use of sessionStorage which may or may not be supported by the browsing type; another potential issue is the sign-in dialogue not returning focus back to the app. (this may be due to the JS storage error)

It looks like an issue with google auth2 library. google-signin element does not directly use sessionStorage.
If you'd like to pursue this bug, you should file a bug with a reproducible case to the google auth2 library team.

I'm experiencing the same issue. I've tried it with a single view application with only a WebView and this code in my viewDidLoad() function:
let url = URL (string: ""); webView.scrollView.delegate = self let requestObj = URLRequest(url: url!); webView.loadRequest(requestObj);

screen shot 2016-10-04 at 10 23 34 pm

@AlexanderSeto Is this for iOS as well? On Safari? I'm about to open an issue on the gAPI javascript page and want to be accurate.