
Roadmap for this project

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I'm just wondering what the intentions with this project are. People are requesting changes and reporting issues...
But who does the processing/integration. With gornova not being around the project is not advancing.

A paper about what it should do and who is the target audience could help.
Thomas Haaks has given me some pointers: It's based on 'gamemaker', it should be easy to use(hence the public vars?) and it started as a fun project grown into something larger.

For me I think this lib has potential because you always need some shared code between games. A camera, entities, animations, resource loading...

After some games each developer has his camera/resource loading code. It would be better if all this code was grouped into marte.

Hi all,
I just talked to Gornova the day before yesterday. He's busy as hell in his real life job.
We both want to proceed with Marte (of course!). Gornova's main interest is to keep it accessible to beginners and thus he favors an easy approach to the library.
We (might be just me at the beginning) want to add your pull requests if they make sense (I think they all do) and add them to Marte.
First I need to find out how far Gornova proceeded with merging my devtommy tree into his dev tree and then into the master tree. I'll also need to find out how much rights I have in this project to proceed with merging branches to get started with progressing.

So please bear with us for a bit until we arranged everything and then I'll hope we can continue with Marte.
Gornova and me also talked about adding developers to the project (if anyone is interested) but we still want to stay in control of Marte. I hope that's fine for anyone getting involved.

Once more thanks for all your valuable input, for your fixes and enhancements and help along the way.
Let's get MarteEngine going!


I'm here! Sorry, too much work, I need to take time to check ME but think it as a hobby part-time experiment, not a real-game developmen library (for now!)

First let me say one thing: THANKS Stef569 ! So much contribution is a prove our work is good and someone is interested in!

As first creator of this project I think I should explain ME "vision".

My hope is to release some utility classes to handle simple games, from beginners to beginners. Too much time wasted in start of a videogame, in particular with Java, Lwjgl and so on, causes too much failures. I think people need more videogames completed, with new, strange, gameplay to have FUN with it.

In this way I mean MarteEngine: a project to help people. I have always 2 main point:

  1. easy,
  2. simple,

Following this approach sometimes I've not added all getters and setters, take care of all Object Oriented patterns. Because I want a library to be easy to use for everyone. Is a difficult path, I know that, but other libraries (for example Gamemaker - it's more than a library I know - or Flahspunk) can handle this. Every programmer knows little about Java: it's some sort of Latin in middle age to communicate and share experience in videogame building.

I want to merge all pull request into MarteEngine main branch (master) but before doing that my idea is to merge before into dev branch, test it and then move to master branch.

In this Tommy, you can do it!! We have already talked about this and I know you and your programming style and I think you share my "vision" about ME.

Stef569, if you think this vision for ME can be interesting for you I would be happy to considering you active part of MarteEngine team, but think (just to be clear about that), Tommy and I would always consider ME our creation.
In conclusion: we are open about collaboration, forks (we hare on github!), pull request, but as part time project, real life come first.

Any feedback is welcome! (isn't my english so terrible? )

Hi Gornova,
if merging into your dev branch is okay for you I'll happily help. I just didn't want to "mess around" in your development branch. But I agree: that's the best approach. At the end we can see if there's something new in my branch and then push it all into the master branch.

For simplicity: can we just declare your dev branch as the current working branch for both of us? This way we avoid a lot of merging and have just one "construction area".

for me is okay, if you can merge your branch into dev, so I can fork from that and create a gornova branch ?

What would you need another gornova branch for?
My intention was to have one branch where we both work on to create the base for the new master release.
That could be your dev branch or let's create a new branch "premaster" and put all stuff in there.
I simply thought we could avoid some merging back and forth...

You are right, but maybe I would keep separated my experiment (backupped on github) from deb branch

Yes, makes sense.
So let's start fixing things in the dev branch. I think I will start over the weekend. Have fun at LD!!!

Hi, I would like to become a Marte dev, I understand what Marte is thanks to your explanation. My first action would be to close issues that are 6months old! There are also open issues that are already solved. #34.

Branching from what I read above:
dev the 'construction area' so instead of committing to master I commit to dev.
devTommy ->needs to merge into dev. Can I do this?

can we have some time on irc to sync with me, stef and thaaks?

Yes, we could arrange some irc chat I think. If I find out what tool and channel to use :-)
I'm fine with Stef becoming a Marte developer. His ideas are good, his code is clean. Only issue would be to stay "simple". I know there are lots of improvements (even I had some discussions with Gornova for example regarding getters and setters) but in the end the main target of Marte is the simplicity in usage for starting developers.
And honestly, if I look at the discussions in the Slick forum and the number of increasing followers we're on the right track.

For IRC I would suggest the weekend. Let's see if we can arrange something.


What about sunday 13:00 CET, irc -> goto http://chat.mibbit.com nick:yourname channel:#marte et voila.

for me 13:00 CET is okay, just to be sure, I'm in Italy, Thomas from Germany and you stef?

I'm from Belgium; can I ask about what we will be talking? Just me joining or other things also.

I would prefer something like 14:00 or 15:00 CET. We usually have dinner at 13:00 - family stuff you know ;-)

Yeah, Gornova, what do you want to talk about? Give us some hints please.

I have time only on 13 CET :(
Well let's talk about direction of MarteEngine, what we want to do and so on, ideas..

Stef, no more calls or meeting: welcome into MarteEngine team and make a great work.
First goal is merge your branch to MarteEngine and release 0.3: I don't have time, but because you have time and your work is good, please let MarteEngine continue :D

I'll do my very best, about the branches. I'm first going to merge devTommy into Dev. Use Dev as main branch for all commits add the camera (and clear the camera issues) handle the 3 pull requests and fix the issues that are assigned to me. To work!


So Gornova to be clear I created a fuzzy branch for your game, dev is for development. I'll now try to replace the hitbox x,y,width,height with a shape o_O need to think about that. It will solve 2 issues :)


Stef, did you already merge my minor changes into the dev branch?
Great work that you're doing!

When I try to merge the devTommy branch there are many conflicts...

Hi @Stef569 good to see you back here! ๐Ÿ‘

Hey @Gornova :)

I just wanted to fix some small things.

Can you setup a project github page for me? https://pages.github.com/
I need to host a DTD file there. To validate the resources xml file (#97)

Also want to release 0.3. It has been long enough (years!) in some sort of beta status ;)

@Stef569 I've made setup for http://gornova.github.io/MarteEngine/ but no content here right now, think takes from that branch?

For version 0.3 yeah sure, it's time ๐Ÿ‘

anyway I've worked a little bit on Maven branch https://github.com/Gornova/MarteEngine/tree/maven if you want to take a look there too

Thanks for making the page @Gornova ๐Ÿ‘

Now only #42 remains, but It's a bit unclear + I don't need a hitbox as polygon in my game. Fuzzy seems to work fine without it? Let's move it to 4.0 =)

Btw about Fuzzy, I really liked to play it. But I had to cheat because 1 star is unreachable. It was on lvl 7 if I remember well. Also the boss level could use some more love, I didn't get it, eventually the gate opened and I won. Maybe the character should be able to fire bullets at the boss?

for fuzzy and other examples, maybe is better to move in another project ?

for #42 let's close it and forget, for MarteEngine a simple rectangular hitbox is okay, what do you think ?

Hey Gornova
I updated the project to version 0.3
Fuzzy is like a large example it can stay for now :)
Let's do the simple rectangular hitbox :)
Take care!

well done