
Resource API for Turkish

ayberkt opened this issue · 0 comments

The status document says that the Turkish resource grammar library does not implement the resource API. I am very interested in working on this as a native speaker of Turkish!

If someone can instruct me on where to start (or point me to some documentation on this) I'll start doing some work. I'm opening this up issue to track the progress on this.

In, the following linearizations have to be implemented:

    • AdNum
    • AdjDAP
    • AdvCN
    • AdvNP
    • ApposCN
    • ComplN3
    • CountNP
    • DetDAP
    • DetNP
    • DetQuantOrd
    • ExtAdvNP
    • NumDigits
    • OrdNumeralSuperl
    • PPartNP
    • PartNP
    • PossNP
    • PredetNP
    • RelCN
    • RelNP
    • SentCN
    • Use2N3
    • Use3N3
    • UsePN
    • all_Predet
    • almost_AdA
    • almost_AdN
    • although_Subj
    • always_AdV
    • and_Conj
    • as_CAdv
    • at_least_AdN
    • at_most_AdN
    • because_Subj
    • behind_Prep
    • between_Prep
    • both7and_DConj
    • but_PConj
    • by8agent_Prep
    • by8means_Prep
    • can8know_VV
    • can_VV
    • during_Prep
    • either7or_DConj
    • every_Det
    • everybody_NP
    • everything_NP
    • everywhere_Adv
    • except_Prep
    • few_Det
    • for_Prep
    • from_Prep
    • have_V2
    • here7from_Adv
    • here7to_Adv
    • here_Adv
    • how8many_IDet
    • how8much_IAdv
    • how_IAdv
    • if_Subj
    • if_then_Conj
    • in8front_Prep
    • in_Prep
    • language_title_Utt
    • less_CAdv
    • many_Det
    • more_CAdv
    • most_Predet
    • much_Det
    • must_VV
    • no_Quant
    • no_Utt
    • nobody_NP
    • not_Predet
    • nothing_NP
    • on_Prep
    • only_Predet
    • or_Conj
    • otherwise_PConj
    • part_Prep
    • please_Voc
    • possess_Prep
    • quite_Adv
    • so_AdA
    • somePl_Det
    • someSg_Det
    • somebody_NP
    • something_NP
    • somewhere_Adv
    • that_Subj
    • there7from_Adv
    • there7to_Adv
    • there_Adv
    • therefore_PConj
    • through_Prep
    • to_Prep
    • too_AdA
    • under_Prep
    • very_AdA
    • want_VV
    • whatPl_IP
    • whatSg_IP
    • when_IAdv
    • when_Subj
    • where_IAdv
    • which_IQuant
    • whoPl_IP
    • whoSg_IP
    • why_IAdv
    • without_Prep
    • yes_Utt
    • AdvS
    • AdvSlash
    • EmbedQS
    • EmbedS
    • EmbedVP
    • ExtAdvS
    • ImpVP
    • PredSCVP
    • RelS
    • SSubjS
    • SlashPrep
    • SlashVP
    • SlashVS
    • UseCl
    • UseQCl
    • UseRCl
    • UseSlash
    • AdAP
    • CAdvAP
    • ReflA2
    • SentAP