
Feature Request: Lucid Dreaming Reminder Customizations

0kie opened this issue · 2 comments

0kie commented

Was wondering about the possibility of changing how lucid dreaming reminder currently works.
Would be possible to add a textbox like the "Melee distance offset", but for "MP before using lucid dreaming" instead?

Current behaviour has cooldowns becoming lucid dreaming when they are not up and bellow 9000 mp
My request would be they changing into lucid dreaming when it is bellow that set value chosen by the user

Also, would be possible to add a custom "time offset" to prevent cooldowns from becoming lucid dreaming?
For example, we set this offset as X seconds, then when the cooldown is "X" seconds away from being up it don't swap to lucid dreaming.

It would be a fair bit of work but I could probably add that. I can look into it.

Added, thank you for waiting.