
Possible bug in get_state

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
I'm trying to get the state object for an entity but I'm getting an error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    therm_state = client.get_state('climate.hallway_thermostat')
TypeError: get_state() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

To Reproduce

from homeassistant_api import Client

with Client(
    '<api url>',
    '<api key>'
) as client:
    therm_state = client.get_state('climate.hallway_thermostat')

Expected behavior
State object in therm_state variable

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • HomeAssistant Version: 2022.3.4
  • homeassistant-api Version: 3.0.3

Note: client.get_states() does work and includes the state that I am requesting above but is slow and takes up resources.

from homeassistant_api import Client

with Client(
    '<api url>',
    '<api key>'
) as client:
    states = client.get_states()

    for state in states:
        if state.entity_id == 'climate.hallway_thermostat':

Sorry to hear about this!

But as is shown here.

The method get_state only accept keyword arguments.

So to fix your bug your code should look like this

from homeassistant_api import Client

with Client(
    '<api url>',
    '<api key>'
) as client:
    therm_state = client.get_state(entity_id='climate.hallway_thermostat')

Or if you wish to supply the entity domain and entity slug sepparately (in your case climate is the entity domain, and hallway_thermostat is the entity slug) you can pass group= and slug= instead of passing entity_id like this

from homeassistant_api import Client

with Client(
    '<api url>',
    '<api key>'
) as client:
    therm_state = client.get_state(group='climate', slug='hallway_thermostat')