
Problems saving release tail length

ahall41 opened this issue · 0 comments

To demonstrate the issue

  • Open an organ (e.g. Demo). Set the release tail length to (say) 1000 and save your settings.
  • Reload the organ - the tail length is set to 1000
  • Set release tail length to max, and save. Reload the organ - tail length loads as Max (so far so good)
  • Set the release tail length to (say) 2000. Reload without saving any settings - tail length loads as 2000.

I have several organs. Some have a long reverb which needs curtailing, and some don't. As a result I currently have to set them to 3000 rather than max (those set to max pick up whatever is set for the previous organ),

There is a similar issue in Organ Settings. Set a parent object to 3000, then set one of its children to Max. It seems to set OK, but when you go back it reverts to 3000.