
Stops slow to respond

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Our church organ is now in regular use but GO displays an annoying problem occasionally: When pressing a divisional to bring in a different stop, the console stop lights up, as does the GUI display stop, but no sound is produced for several seconds. Normally, stops sound immediately after pressing either a divisional or individual stops, but this is very disconcerting to the player (I'm not a player, I just maintain the system.)

GO is running under Debian 12 with plenty of free RAM so it's not a page-thrashing problem.

Any ideas?

Could you look at Audio/MIDI -> Log MIDI events? Do the midi events come in time?

Well, the stop sends a midi message to GO, and GO sends a response which turns on the led in the stop immediately, so I'm assuming that's not the problem.

Is this effect happens only when pressing divisionals? What happens if the stop is enabling manually (without combinations): does it start sounding immediately or not? What sample set do you use?

THe samples are mostly the Billerbeck Semi-dry samples, With some modifications. As far as I am aware it has only happened with the divisionals. I will consult with the organist to contirm. I believe the stop which seems to cause the problem has mostly been the Tuba stop - which was the Rohrflute. I have tried to reproduce the problem myself, not being an organ player, but it always worked OK for me.

Just to confirm, he doesn't use the stops direct much, at least not while playing. He has only seen this when using a divisional. He also reports one instance where the same thing happend on the Pedal Contra Bourdon. The stop doesn't sound until about 3-5 seconds after selection, and that is disconcerting in the middle of playing a piece.

Could you confirm that just after pushing a divisional all stops start playing immediately except Rohrflute and Contra Bourdon?

Could you post here the .organ file and the yaml file from exported combinations?

I can't do it at present, I'm away from home for a week. I don't have up-to-date copies of the files here, but will get them to
you when I get back. I presume when you say yaml you mean the compressed *.cmb file in the Data folder?

File -> 'Export combinations' to a yaml file would be better, but .cmb is also OK.

I can't do it at present, I'm away from home for a week. I don't have up-to-date copies of the files here, but will get them to
you when I get back. I presume when you say yaml you mean the compressed *.cmb file in the Data folder?

Sorry, I've not been able to access the files until today.
Be aware that the names of the stops have changed from those used in the original samples.
I have somewhere a rather messy spreadsheets whic provides a mapping if required.

I think I have tracked down the problem - nothing to do with GrandOrgue you'll be pleased to hear. I turns out that the Tuba stop
plays via a dedicated speaker, and the amplifier driving that stop has a 'sleep' mode which clicks in if no audio signal is detected for approx 15 minutes. The amplifier must have a fault, as this behaviour is supposed to be turned off, but it is still shutting down after about 20 minutes. It does switch back to normal mode when a signal is detected, but this takes a few seconds before any output is produced. I'm working on a fiddle to circumvent this if Thomann can't come up with a solution that doesn't involve shipping the amp back to Germany for repair, which we don't want to agree to. It's two-channel amp, but only one channel is being used. I can configure a dummy stop and windchest to send a note to the other channel, which isn't connected to a loudspeaker. I can then persuade one of the Arduinos in the console to send a note to that stop once a minute and keep the amplifier awake.

Thanks for advice and suggestions!

May be your amplifier has a special setting that disables the standby mode?