
Installation instruction

Loran0 opened this issue · 9 comments

Loran0 commented

Hello there

Can you please provide additional instructions on how can i install this awesome webUI if i've already got installed the latest version on audiocraft with all dependencies etc.
For example, i've got D:\audiocraft folder. Can i install PLUS in the same one? Or better to do D:\PLUS ? And the next steps?

Thank you for your help.

Sadly i myself cannot guide you how to install it on your pc as I myself do not have it installed since my GPU isn't powerful enough.
however i did find a video with explanation on how to do it, might help you out:

I might be wrong but I think you will need to create a separate folder for audiocraft plus as it does changes quite few stuff, again cannot say for sure as i have not tested it myself.
Do let me know if it worked out for you ☺

Loran0 commented

I already did install audiocraft according to your awesome instruction -

But now i'm trying to figure out how to install plus webUI. Reading your installation instr:
pip install -U audiocraft # <-already done. It means open CMD (yep, using Win11) and did this:

git clone
cd audiocraft

Now i'm in d:\audiocraft

pip install -e .
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Thats it, Now i'm running .\demos\ and it works great with native UI.

Wanna figure out - do i even need to clone your repo? Like

cmd -> git clone

and the same steps like cd audiocraft_plus , pip install.... and so on. Do i need it? Or maybe i just need to put some files into my original audiocraft folder and just start .py to use PLUS WebUI?

my english sucks but i'm trying as i can :D

I think instead of cloning the original repo of audiocraft, just clone mine which is audiocraft plus. So you only need to clone a repo once
After that follow the exact steps and I believe it should work for you

Hi there,
I'm just dealing with Python, libraries, etc. for the first time ... total beginner :D

A basic question: I had already seen that use is made of CUDA cores - can I get your WEB UI to run on MacOS at all or does my journey end here :)?

Thanks in advance

Loran0 commented

i clone it...
after that i did everything according to this instr -

cd audiocraft_plus
python -m venv venv
cd venv
cd scripts

So the last 2 string:

call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python --inbrowser

Only after all those steps PLUS WebUI works well.
I was just trying to make it easy for dummies like me...

Btw if someone wanna make a shortcut on your desktop, -make an empty file and put in it:

call "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft_plus\\venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat"
python "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft_plus\\"

d:\GitHub\audiocraft_plus ---> put here your path to plus version.

for original audiocraft:

call "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft\\venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat"
python "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft\demos\\"

Then save it on your desktop or anywhere you want as .bat or .cmd

Hi there, I'm just dealing with Python, libraries, etc. for the first time ... total beginner :D

A basic question: I had already seen that use is made of CUDA cores - can I get your WEB UI to run on MacOS at all or does my journey end here :)?

Thanks in advance

there was already a question related to Mac OS, check out this issue: #15
in short, i made an additional branch for Mac OS called mac-os-fix, check it out and let me know if it works for you

i clone it... after that i did everything according to this instr -

cd audiocraft_plus
python -m venv venv
cd venv
cd scripts

So the last 2 string:

call .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python --inbrowser

Only after all those steps PLUS WebUI works well. I was just trying to make it easy for dummies like me...

Btw if someone wanna make a shortcut on your desktop, -make an empty file and put in it:

call "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft_plus\\venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat"
python "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft_plus\\"

d:\GitHub\audiocraft_plus ---> put here your path to plus version.

for original audiocraft:

call "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft\\venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat"
python "d:\\GitHub\\audiocraft\demos\\"

Then save it on your desktop or anywhere you want as .bat or .cmd

so in the end it works for you?

Loran0 commented

so in the end it works for you?

Yes. - This instruction i actually works on Windows also for plus version.
It's kinda weird coz a few days ago i use it only with


Now i need to create an environment, activate and launch it. Dunno what changed in my system ... or in audiocraft repo :/

Hi there, I'm just dealing with Python, libraries, etc. for the first time ... total beginner :D
A basic question: I had already seen that use is made of CUDA cores - can I get your WEB UI to run on MacOS at all or does my journey end here :)?
Thanks in advance

there was already a question related to Mac OS, check out this issue: #15 in short, i made an additional branch for Mac OS called mac-os-fix, check it out and let me know if it works for you


Now it works like a charm <3 – thanks for the fast support!