
Gracefully handle various errors as NoSuchProcess

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Jongy commented
Traceback (most recent call last):
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 321, in make_application_metadata
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 336, in get_jvm_flags_serialized
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 342, in get_jvm_flags
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 391, in get_supported_jvm_flags
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 239, in run
File gprofiler/utils/, line 300, in run_process
gprofiler.exceptions.CalledProcessError: Command ['/tmp/_MEIagB051/gprofiler/resources/java/asprof', 'jcmd', '--jattach-cmd', 'VM.flags -all', '12156'] returned non-zero exit status 1.
stderr: Process 12156 not found

If we run jcmd and it exits with the message Process {pid} not found, and the PID is indeed dead, raise NoSuchProcess instead of this generic exception (so it's handled gracefully).

Jongy commented


Traceback (most recent call last):
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 52, in get_metadata
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 45, in make_application_metadata
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 40, in _get_ruby_version
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 40, in get_exe_version
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 29, in get_exe_version
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 259, in run_in_ns
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 247, in _switch_and_run
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 27, in _run_get_version
File gprofiler/utils/, line 250, in run_process
File gprofiler/utils/, line 149, in start_process
File, line 971, in __init__
File, line 1847, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/8091/exe'

in Ruby _get_ruby_version (or rather, can be handle in get_exe_version).

Jongy commented
Traceback (most recent call last):
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 52, in get_metadata
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 316, in make_application_metadata
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 75, in get_mapped_dso_elf_id
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 42, in inner
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 28, in inner
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 98, in get_elf_id
File, line 135, in __enter__
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 62, in open_elf
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/12460/root//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto.x86_64/jre/lib/amd64/server/'
Jongy commented

The idea is - if the process truly just went down, gProfiler handles it gracefully and doesn't log a nasty error log.

Btw. this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File gprofiler/metadata/, line 52, in get_metadata
File gprofiler/profilers/, line 316, in make_application_metadata
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 75, in get_mapped_dso_elf_id
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 42, in inner
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 28, in inner
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 98, in get_elf_id
File, line 135, in __enter__
File granulate_utils/linux/, line 62, in open_elf
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/12460/root//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto.x86_64/jre/lib/amd64/server/'

should already be handled by:
I checked manually if it works and it worked on my env. I guess your pid "12460" was alive but I am not sure what happened then. Maybe PID re-usage?

Jongy commented

I checked manually if it works and it worked on my env. I guess your pid "12460" was alive but I am not sure what happened then. Maybe PID re-usage?

Perhaps PID reuse and perhaps the file was deleted (while being loaded in the maps of the process), for example due to JDK upgrade.

I am closing the issue now as 2 cases were solved in #803 and the last one, we're not sure anymore if relevant or not. Will re-open if it is..