An Epicodus Solo project for Mr. Fix-It, a web-based maintenance job board posting forum.
- Users can register and log on
- Users may sign up to be "workers" on the site.
- New jobs may be added to the jobs list.
- A job can be assigned to a worker.
- A worker may take on mulitple jobs from the Worker Dashboard.
- Make claiming a job an AJAX action.
- Workers may mark jobs complete, and select a new active job. AJAX
- A worker may designate one active job at a time. AJAX
Download from the repo
Open Viual Studio 2015 and choose the Open Project option.
Navigate to the directory in which you downloaded the repo and open the project file.
Navigate to ..\project-name\src\projectname
Run this command in your terminal: dotnet ef database update
After installation and Migration, press f5 or the play button in the toolbar to run the server and have the site appear in your default browser.
Not the prettiest site.
Need to work on what is shown, though I was mostly concerned with actually making the site work.
- C#
- Visual Studio
- David Wilson