
Grapes Tabs project when cloned and tested throws Plugin-Not-Found error

mitcht opened this issue · 1 comments

I was getting a Plugin Not Found error in my attempts to install the tabs plugin into my grapesjs instance. I decided to attempt to clone the main repo, npm -i, and open index.html.

I get the same error.

I was able to circumvent by using grapes tabs v 0.1.2 by simply copying the file contents from the website demo.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone
  2. run npm i
  3. open index.html and see debugger for "Plugin grapesjs-tabs not found"

FYI I tried also downloading the ZIP file, as well as cloning, but no difference the files are all identical. (In case it was release vs latest commit.

I'm using grapesjs-cli@3.0.1 and i needed to add this at index.html:

<script src="http://localhost:8080/index.js"></script>