
Headers are hidden by the grey toolbar when click on the header link

Fuytetcei opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi everyone,
as you can see in the image when i click on the header link the page takes me to the correct possition but the header title is hidden by the grey toolbar. It doesn't feels like i'm on the correct possition of the page.
Hope it helps, bye!


Thanks @Fuytetcei !

We really appreciate this bug reports 👍.

I fixed this kind of problems in other occasion with CSS only: atfornes/sage@044ebe4#diff-86e1ee069057f6de9295bd44dd06f68bR12

The trick is to add more padding and then add negative margin.

Would you like to try fixing it and make a pull request?

@Fuytetcei, I can help you to fix it if you want to try :) we can meet at the University.

If not, let us know to fix it without you.

hi @atfornes, i think you should fix it, i'm not sure if i have the required knowledge yet.

Hi @atfornes, I'm looking for an issue to do my first contribution. Can I take this one?

Thanks @leomendizabal!

Sure you can take this issue 😄, please let me know if I can help you.

Hi @atfornes, I have tried to fix the issue and made a pull request. Can you please check?
