
metricbeat 6.1.3

mattmac1-zz opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi there,
Does metricbeat 6.1.3 work with the latest plugin version?

I get a failed to connect error in my metricbeat logs.


@mattmac1 Please provide the complete logs and ideally a pcap (recorded with Wireshark or tcpdump) to reproduce the issue.

Sure thanks here you go - I included server.log and a pcap.

This seems to be the line from server.log that's probably most interesting:
2018-02-01T15:34:32.046+01:00 ERROR [NettyTransport] Error in Input [Beats/5a72cec5701fe1652408bade] (channel [id: 0x3e47cefa, / => /]) java.lang.Exception: Unknown beats protocol version: 71

@mattmac1 Please post the complete logs and not just some arbitrary lines.

EDIT: Sorry, I missed the part that the log file is in the attached ZIP file. Everything's good. 😄

@mattmac1 The pcap doesn't contain any valid Beats packets.

Maybe you recorded the wrong connection? All packets seem to have port 5044/tcp as source, but not as a destination port.

Sorry my bad - correct one attached! thanks again!

@mattmac1 Again, from what I can see in that pcap file, there's not a single valid Beats packet sent to port 5044/tcp.

Please post the complete configuration of Metricbeat and of the Beats input in Graylog.

Sure - here is the input and metricbeat config + metricbeat log attached. It's the default config with the logstash output configured to send to my graylog server. The traffic in the pcap yesterday is for sure coming from metricbeat as it's the only thing on the windows box that points at my graylog server. Thanks again for your help

override_source: admin
port: 5044
recv_buffer_size: 1048576
tcp_keepalive: false
tls_client_auth: disabled
tls_enable: false
tls_key_password: ********

@mattmac1 You're using the wrong output for Metricbeat.

#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
  # Array of hosts to connect to.
  #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

  # Optional protocol and basic auth credentials.
  #protocol: "https"
  #username: "elastic"
  #password: "changeme"

#----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------
  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: [""]

According to that configuration, you're using the Elasticsearch output (HTTP) to Take a look at the comment characters ('#').

The logs of Metricbeat tell the same story:

2018-02-01T20:01:40+01:00 INFO Elasticsearch url:
2018-02-01T20:01:45+01:00 ERR  Failed to connect: Get EOF