
Write documentation

Greaby opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Write documentation

how to install it?

I added some documentation to the readme.
Feel free to tell me if some things are not clear.

Thanks for bbed5a4
I was trying with npm run start

Hi !

Wouldn't it be better to add some template files (like a Telescope introduction or whatever) in the data/resources folder to make the project setup easier than saying in the README Look, you need to add some files in this folder and following this template to make things work ?

I think it would be easier for everyone if we could just include some templates they can start with, which they can modify to suit their needs. I can submit a PR following your decision @Greaby. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What do you think ?

Yes, that's a great idea.
My plan was to create the documentation and examples directly using Telescope and host it on Github pages.

Indeed, why not ? It would be a great way to show exactly how the software works !
Do not hesitate to ask if you need some help to set the thing up. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm not the best for documentation ;)
So yes, I do appreciate the help

Nice ! I'll try to submit a PR when I'll have had enough time to really understand how Telescope works. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Should I post my suggestions here or do you prefer another platform (Discord, Github Discussions, email...) ?

You can post your suggestions wherever you like. But I think it's best to make issues here.

I have created a sample structure for the documentation:

I used Telescope 0.8.0 which is not yet committed on Github. The project uses the new metadata system as described here: #14

Hi ! I just had a look and it is really impressive ! Well done !

I didn't have enough time yet to think about how exactly I could write documentation or help you in any other way, but I successfully hosted my own instance on Still a WIP, but it works really well. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Also, the idea described in #14 is really good. I'm really looking forward to use it !

Documentation is here !
I will close this issue and create a new one to complete the doc. #15