
Code Challenge: Build A Movie Player

The Challenge is to build a movie player with image thumbnails with a playlist section and a separate section to play the selected video.

Feel free to add in any other cool tweaks or features.

Tech Requirements:

  • Any Tech Stack
  • But Angular 2+ is preferable.


Create an api that fetch's the video url and thumbnail from youtube and return the list.

Refer to below sample API URL:


  1. A Playlist Section with all the available videos from the API.
  2. A Video Player Section that plays the selected video
  3. Load the newly selected video from the playlist to the video player
  4. The API requires a Source header so use a request interceptor to send it on every request
  5. The Angular Components should communicate with each other using a Parent Child Relation and not Events. (For Ex: The Playlist and Video Player should be 2 different components )
  6. Add in a custom transform pipe to convert the Title of the video to Uppercase
  7. Avoid using any kind of HTML/CSS framework.
  8. A Carousel for scrolling through the playlist
  9. Toast Message for an Error on Bad Requests or Incorrect Request Params

Goals of this Challenge

  • Get to know your Knowledge of dealing with an External API
  • Visualisation of Data from that API
  • Handling HTML DOM Events
  • Understanding Component communication
  • Know your Expertise of HTML/CSS