
Ethos of this list to be articulated

atg-abhishek opened this issue · 3 comments

Based on the discussion in the WG call today, it would be great to articulate the specific goal that we seek to achieve with this list vis-a-vis a more heavily vetted and smaller list that is perhaps published on the GSF website.

Asim: This is pretty much covered by the disclaimer, and content about having a vetted list won't impact how people interact with the list. It also means we're committing to a vetted list in the future.

Asim: is there already a process in academia to raise papers that are supported?
Daniel S: within some communities there is certain canonical papers, but there is no general solution... Hope that we can do this in our Green Software community though. There are some journals related to green software and sustainability that we could look to, e.g. Sustainable Software Systems, Environmental Modeling and Software.

Working group approved this issue, given the comments above