
🎯 2023-06-13 Carbon Aware SDK Weekly Meeting Agenda

Closed this issue · 8 comments


2023-06-13 - 8am UTC

Meeting notices

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Roll Call

Please add a comment to this issue during the meeting to denote attendance.

Full Name Affiliation GitHub username (optional)
Vaughan Knight Microsoft vaughanknight

Any untracked attendees will be added by the GSF team below





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Action Items

  • @Willmish to look at #294
  • @Willmish reopen [Sample]: Jupyter notebook Demo of web API #114
  • #312 under review by @vaughanknight
  • #330 - being considered, currently test-json being the default for initial testing of the SDK is the desired behaviour @vaughanknight to contact PR owner
  • @Willmish to double check with @seanmcilroy29 where can we find recording from OS WG meetigns
  • @Willmish to chekc out #340
  • #344 added comment on how to work with docsaurs, @Willmish to bring up on next OS WG call
  • @Willmish @vaughanknight - accept/reject ADRs currently in the review process: #351
  • Bring up during OS WG: Maybe enable GH Copilot X on Foundation level - speed up of review process
  • @danuw look into removing images from GSF docker registry (v1.0.2 and pre test release)

Meeting attended by

danuw commented




otsuyo commented





  • Last week: Idea: possibly have a page in docs on How to use the SDK: - to not call it every second/ thousands apps with million apps calling this often is not the expected use case, rather calling it once every while and KEEPING the data for forecast/historical data
  • Decision on v1.1 release and further releases: Approve it on a call with main chair present (@vaughanknight ) and then can release during the week - hence we will not be releasing this during this week.
  • #347 Approved by me to be merged next week, Need seecond opinion (see comment left)
  • #333 - @YaSuenag Brings to attention that the sample is currently vendor specific (focused on Azure cloud). We should accept updates to the sample regardless, but in subsequent PR should break up the guide to a core vendor-agnostic guide on creating a helm chart and vendor-specific ones for deploying it on Azure/AWS/GCP/IBM Cloud etc.
  • #330 - bringing it up for next week to decide how we proceed
  • #294 - do we rebase/fix and merge?
  • #114 - Blocked by non-existant python library easily available (requires users to always build it themselves). Maybe we need a GSF organisation account on PyPI and release the library there?

Update from Green-Software-Foundation/opensource-wg#85 : once v1.1 is released, lt Namrata know to share in newsletter