
Create Release Notes for 1.5

danuw opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

Create a PR with updated change log.
Will look for PRs and Issues since last release.

Please feel free to add anything missing in the comments...

I used the following commands to help

gh pr list -R Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk --search "-label:agenda closed:>=2024-05-14" --json number,title,url --template \
        '{{range .}}{{ printf "\n-[PR #%v]" .number | autocolor "green"}} {{.title}} {{ printf "](%v)" .url}}{{end}}'

gh issue list -R Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk --search "-label:agenda closed:>=2024-05-14" --json number,title,url --template \
        '{{range .}}{{ printf "\n-[#%v]" .number | autocolor "green"}} {{.title}} {{ printf "](%v)" .url}}{{end}}'

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

Feature Commitment

  • I commit to contributing this feature as a PR and working with the GSF to merge this feature into the Carbon Aware SDK.

-[PR #532] Watt Time v3 Support ](#532)
-[PR #340] Add example for 'podman play kube' ](#340)
-[PR #536] Updated azure-regions.json with new regions ](#536)
-[#519] Remove hackathon sentence from our website banner ](#519)
-[#510] Gap Analysis for WattTime v3 ](#510)
-[#262] [Feature Contribution]: Publish the docker file in a docker registry ](#262)

-[PR #522] Remove Hack mention from the Docs's banner ](#522)
-[#535] [Bug]: Configuration for locations loads twice ](#535)
-[PR #516] Update published documentation to .NET 8 ](#516)
-[PR #515] Fixed three broken links Signed-off-by: joecus1 <joecusa… ](#515)
-[#506] Check our published documentation to identify any references to .NET7 ](#506)
-[#512] [Bug]: Broken links in file ](#512)