
[Project Update] Carbon aware SDK

seanmcilroy29 opened this issue · 35 comments

Carbon Aware SDK

@vaughanknight of Microsoft / @Willmish of Avanade

7 days review by WG, then to SC.

Checking in on this, @seanmcilroy29 @Sealjay is the review moving to Steering Committee today?

@Willmish - There have been no Working Group issue / PR submissions, so I'll forward this to the SC for ratification tomorrow. I should have SC quorum approval by Friday.

SC has ratified for the first release -- dev will be merged to main once some small bug fixes are merged in. This will be the PR for the release: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#113

Repository currently under freeze until end of hackathon -Decarbonize Software event. Most recent ADRs accepted: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#186

Szymon update: have been some PRs merged recently, and a new meeting schedule being organized. A new project manager will be in place before the new year. ElectricityMap support is on the roadmap for next year.

Action item: @seanmcilroy29 to connect with Asim to see which projects from the Hackathon could be brought into the OS WG as ongoing projects.

  • Vaughan started tracking a CHANGELOG, on the Changelog branch: in preparation for a v1.1 release.
  • Repository is now mostly up to date with the recent contributions from Microsoft, some hanging PRs of demos/samples are being fixed by their corresponding submitters.
  • New meeting for US/Europe time zones will be starting from next week, people interested to ping @Willmish on slack. (Time of the meeting TBD)

Fabio update: lots of PRs have been merged, and project has been very busy. Lots of activity :)
Sean: will there be a new version? If there is, we should make that aware to the community. @vaughanknight would be good if you could chime in on this question.

When @vaughanknight and @Willmish are back, Fabio T gave a great update, ready for a new version to be released - a request to let the Open Source WG know when ready.

Follow-up from @tmcclell - a discussion on how we market the SDK

Reminder @vaughanknight and @Willmish to provide an update today if you can't attend.


  • Most recent updates on recent weekly agenda : Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#323
  • We have now added stale issue and PR marking and closing - Currently 6 month period for marking issues stale, further 20 days to close. PRs 3 months or older marked stale too
  • DCO Introduction discussions: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#309 (Not all GSF members are part of GSF organisation on GH)
  • Release v1.1 - no rush to get this out immediately, we want all features currently in open PRs to flow in, @vaughanknight to add CHANGELOG first

From @vaughanknight FYI @seanmcilroy29

I’m travelling overseas right now however Szymon (edit by myself: @Willmish) and myself have been discussing
moving to a 1.1 release with electricity maps free and paid support (aim for release very soon)
1.1 will also have /location service endpoint to list named locations
Currently scoping geocode service endpoint. This has a lot of considerations after speaking to large scale software developers ... primarily they'd be doing billions of requests and it would defeat the purpose so we are looking at caching strategies and will also need to develop guidance. We aim to scope this for a 2.0 release.
CA SDK will be part of a presentation at Kubecon about sustainable Kube / Keda
Big thanks to NTT, Avanade, and Microsoft for their contributions

Further update: CA SDK will be part of a presentation at Linux Foundation Energy Summit in Paris, in June :) (Me and @danuw will be presenting)

Update: (Most recent meeting agenda issue: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#334 )

Request for @jawache / @seanmcilroy29 :

  • Can we create a Google Groups for the Carbon Aware SDK project, (similarly to CarbonQL project) to track people involved in the project and easier management of participants for project syncs and schedule of those meetings?
    Answer: @jawache: one should exist, but if one doesn't, it will be created.

@Willmish -- no major PR merged in since the last update. Currently in the process of collecting all new changes/updates since version 1.0. This should be the last or one of the last updates until the 1.1 release. Plan for all future changes to be added to the changelog. Packages are now configured to be public and already been utilized by another project.


@Willmish update at WG:

@Sealjay to chat with @seanmcilroy29 about adding to GHCX repo

@Willmish - it's added to (yet another) waitlist:
Once it's done, you can pop in a tag like copilot:all

@Willmish :

  • we're still waiting to release v1.1, but we didn't have both chairs present at the meeting. Pushing this to next week when both chairs are present.
  • Need to work out how to remove packages from GSF docker registry.Need to be granted permissions to do this.
  • Qsn: how can we merge static content with dynamic content with Docusaurus

@seanmcilroy29 -- Github Copilot should be enabled from today for Pull Requests.

@seanmcilroy29 could you let me know when you upgrade mine/@vaughanknight 's permissions to remove these packages : (From what I understand, they are organisation level - hence we cannot remove them.)

Mentioned by @YaSuenag here:

I am currently at Embedded Open Source Summit in Prague, so won't be able to join this weeks sync. (I will be speaking about Green software here later this Friday though, and talked about my Zephyr RTOS project). @vaughanknight is currently away as well, so there aren't many updates as of now.

There has been some activity on the repo (new PRs), but I haven't had the opportunity to look at them yet, will be catching up mid next week.

Oh and I did receive admin permissions from @seanmcilroy29 to remove the docker registry images, so will try to take care of that later today.

Update for this week:

Update for this week:

  • Weekly meeting agenda: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#394
  • Holiday slowdown during August - we cancelled some meetings due to unavaiability of the chairs + low attendance. But picking up speed again.
  • Need to sync with @vaughanknight to discuss project next steps
  • I would like to host a project Roadmap planning session/space, to brainstorm project next steps in a larger group

Tasks blocked/waiting:

  • releasing Python packages (no PyPI account for GSF yet)
  • GH copilot4PRs not working yet, not crucial at the moment but would be nice to have for next release

Unable to join this week, due to a lecture clash:

Not tested/followed up on:

  • releasing Python packages(no PyPI account for GSF yet)
  • GH copilot4PRs not working/not tested by me or @vaughanknight

@Willmish @vaughanknight Please can you add an update here ahead of the OSWG later today.

Thanks for the reminder @Sophietn ! Again unable to join, clash with a lecture:

  • Weekly meeting agenda: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#409
  • Discussed next project release (v1.2) and aiming to release on the 12th of December (contents of the release TBD, current set cutoff date for new additions is 5th of December)
  • As v1.2 is the priority, aiming for project alignment to graduation criteria for v1.3, with current target for 2nd of January (OC meeting)
  • Still collecting input from project contributors/interested parties for the project roadmap under:

Follow ups from last update:

  • did not get an update on the stratus of PyPI account for GSF for releasing Python packages, but this is not a priority atm
  • GH Copilot4PRs - do not know the status of it, seems to be enabled for the repo but I am unable to configure it myself, @Sophietn agreed to follow up on this
    Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 11 34 06

@Willmish @vaughanknight Late reminder but please can you add an update here ahead of the OSWG later today.

@Willmish @vaughanknight Please can you add an update ahead of tomorrow's OSWG

Thanks for the reminder again @Sophietn !

@Sophietn update at WG 2024 01 09:

  • Project team working towards v1.2 release, previously blocked due to git application code coverage that was failing when merging. Now fixed so should have v1.2 released in next few days
  • Progressing towards project graduation - all work has now been assigned out so expecting them to come to the oversight committee soon.

@Willmish @vaughanknight @danuw Please can you add an update ahead of today's OSWG

Hi some updates:

  • Graduation progress: we finished our graduation reviews. @Sophietn to next raise this with the oversight committee to approve the lifecycle change
  • Catch up with IF team: plan to create a draft Carbon Aware SDK plug in - @jmcook1186 to set up when his big code refactor is done
  • Catch up with UCL team:
    • issue with CA SDK - we investigated and issue seemed to be related to their key (but awaiting final feedback from the team)
    • passthrough credentials for hosted API - CA SDK team happy to help with testing if needed

Next in the short to mid term:

  • Graduation
  • .net 8 and related features updates
  • WattTime v3 API updates

Our latest meeting details can be found here: Green-Software-Foundation/carbon-aware-sdk#468

  • Graduation update to come next week
  • v1.3 release in progress
  • .NET 8 upgrade up next