[Article] Why Green Software Deserves a Spotlight at Climate Week
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Proposer: Namrata Narayan | @NAMRATA-WOKE
Abstract: Suggestions for how climate activists in technology and ICT can incorporate green software into mainstream Climate Week discussions.
Why: Strategically aligns green software with high-profile climate discussions, raising awareness and credibility within the broader sustainability agenda, helping drive adoption and accelerating the transition to sustainable digital practices.
Audience: climate activists, sustainability advocates within the technology and ICT sectors, policymakers, corporate sustainability leaders
Timeline: September 2 - 9, 2024
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Other contributors: ED, WG Chairs and PLs
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@jawache I had this idea while you were on leave. Below is the outline. Is this an article we can work towards publishing in anticipation of Climate Week?
- Discuss the significance of Climate Week in New York and the growing focus on climate action, particularly around decarbonization and sustainability.
- Highlight how digital sustainability, especially green software, often doesn’t get the attention it deserves at such events.
- Emphasize the importance of green software in the broader conversation on climate action.
Main Points
Explain the global shift from a fossil fuel-based economy to a sustainable, low-carbon one. Discuss how green software is essential in reducing energy consumption and the carbon footprint of digital applications.
Introduce the SCI Specification and the Impact Framework as key tools for measuring and reducing software’s environmental impact.
Emphasize how these tools can help companies assess and ensure compliance with emerging software-related ESG regulations.
Discuss the projected increase in AI-related electricity consumption and its environmental implications. Mention advancements in energy-efficient chips from companies like NVIDIA and AMD.
Highlight the need for leaner, more efficient software to fully leverage these hardware innovations.
- Encourage climate activists and leaders to champion green software at Climate Week.