
So let’s start implementing the user management system with PHP and MySQL. Before we begin, take a look at files structure for this example.

Script Features::-

User Login and Registration features:

  • User registration with email
  • User Login with remember password(SHA1()).
  • Change password.
  • User profile.
  • User profile edit & save.

Admin Panel features:

  • Admin login.
  • Admin password Chane password.
  • Admin profile.
  • Dashboard View
  • Users list.
  • Add new user with role.
  • Edit & save user.
  • Delete user.

Login Register Profile 2020-03-15_203003

How to Install

  • Create a database name (db_admin)
  • Import database file (db_admin.sql)
  • Admin:Info
  • Admin username:
  • Admin pass: An123456
  • Live video on Youtube


Nababur Rahaman

Happy Open Source....