
Error on script load

ianwijma opened this issue · 5 comments


I was checking out the script you've written, and on load I was getting the following error:

[OBS-Stats-on-Stream.lua] Error running file: ...udio/data/scripts/OBS-Stats-on-Stream-main//ljsocket.lua:837: table index is nil

I do need to add that I'm on Linux, and us the flatpack version of obs-studio

This error is related to socket library I use, not to my script: CapsAdmin/luajitsocket#2.

Implemented the suggested fix in 6b21fb5. Let me know if that works so I can close the issue.

First changed it to:

    errno = {}
    errno.EAGAIN = 11,
    errno.EWOULDBLOCK = errno.EAGAIN
    errno.ENOTSOCK = 88
    errno.ECONNRESET = 104
    errno.EINPROGRESS = 115    

Which still caused an error:

[OBS-Stats-on-Stream.lua] Error running file: error loading module 'ljsocket' from file '/path/to/OBS-Stats-on-Stream-main//ljsocket.lua':
	/path/to/OBS-Stats-on-Stream-main//ljsocket.lua:691: unexpected symbol near '='

Looks like the following worked:

    errno = {
        EAGAIN = 11,
        ENOTSOCK = 88,
        ECONNRESET = 104,
        EINPROGRESS = 115,
    errno.EWOULDBLOCK = errno.EAGAIN 

I don't know LUA enough so my bad if I copied something wrong. Just wanted to make sure its known something was broken.

If anybody reads this - no need to edit anything manually, this repo now has fixed version. Thanks for your feedback, ianwijma! Closing the issue.