
The idea for this project will be a personal finance website (I want to make it usable, but simple), and the design will be inspired by similar websites (very inspired by Organizze and Akaunting).

I was going to make it usable, with an actual finance app that people can use, but it has been too long that I've put this project on hold, and I'm no longer interested in finishing it.

That being said, this all can change in the (near or not so near) future.

About the name

Turns out there is already a Monnify out there. This project is in no way related to them. I've come up with this name just to have a name on this project and that's all this is.


Alright listen. If you read through the actual words on the website you'll see it's kinda not serious. I understand that this is not very professional. This project is mine and mine alone, and it will never be used for any type of profit. So it shouldn't affect anything of importance, other than it being a little silly.

All this project does, is it shows that I can create a professional-looking website and make it functional. I just like having fun in the process.

That being said, obviously the words written in this website in no way reflect how I view reality, and any "advice" in this website should NOT be taken serious (except the fact that you should invest your money, but please be careful and know what you're doing).