
Create or replace flow not working

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What type of bug is this?

Unexpected error

What subsystems are affected?


Minimal reproduce step

I want to replace a flow but fails:

CREATE OR REPLACE FLOW calc_ngx_country SINK TO ngx_country AS SELECT     DISTINCT country,     date_bin(INTERVAL '1 hour', access_time) as time_window, FROM ngx_access_log GROUP BY     country,     time_window;
ERROR 1050 (42S01): (FlowAlreadyExists): Flow already exists: greptime.calc_ngx_country

What did you expect to see?

Replace the exists flow.

What did you see instead?

ERROR 1050 (42S01): (FlowAlreadyExists)

What operating system did you use?


What version of GreptimeDB did you use?


Relevant log output and stack trace

No response