
[Tracking Issue] Failed SQLs in duckdb test

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While migrating duckdb tests into GreptimeDB, there're many SQLs that are not available:

  1. Refused by datafusion:
    • Exists:
      ERROR 1815 (HY000): (EngineExecuteQuery): DataFusion error: This feature is not implemented: Physical plan does not support logical expression Exists(Exists { subquery: <subquery>, negated: false });
    • Correlated column in predicate
      > SELECT s.n, e.course, e.grade FROM students s, exams e WHERE AND (s.major = 'CS' OR s.major = 'Games Eng') AND e.grade <= (SELECT AVG(e2.grade) - 1 FROM exams e2 WHERE OR (e2.curriculum=s.major AND s.y>=e2.y)) ORDER BY n, course;
       ERROR 1815 (HY000): (EngineExecuteQuery): DataFusion error: Error during planning: Correlated column is not allowed in predicate: outer_ref( = e2.sid OR e2.curriculum = outer_ref(s.major) AND outer_ref(s.y) >= e2.y;
  2. Unsupported:
    • Direct FROM

      > FROM numbers;
      ERROR 1235 (42000): (Unsupported): SQL statement is not supported, keyword: FROM
    • unamed_subquery as an alias to subqueries

      > SELECT unnamed_subquery.a, unnamed_subquery2.b FROM (SELECT 42 a), (SELECT 43 b);
      ERROR 1815 (HY000): (PlanQuery): Failed to plan SQL: No field named unnamed_subquery.a. Valid fields are a, b.
    • Array/list types:

      > CREATE TABLE lists(l INTEGER[]);
    • Digit separators and

      SELECT 1_000_000;
    • typeof function:

      SELECT typeof(100);

If some of above are needed, we can try to introduce them to greptimedb.