Database not accessible
Closed this issue · 2 comments
When I follow the link(s) to the OneDrive for the database it says it doesn't exist. Has it been moved/deleted?
Related to this, we have been trying out VirBot over the last month and had hoped to run VirBot within a Docker container as part of a metagenomic pipeline. However the sharepoint/onedrive link that did previously exist didn't allow link downloading, which would be needed for Docker (otherwise we would have to rehost the database ourselves). Is it possible to make the database accessible somewhere with link-download e.g. somewhere on GIT LFS or an ftp site?
Thank you so much for your suggestion and contribution. I'd be happy to provide more accesses. I will check the code ASAP.
By the way, nothing has been changed in the previous link. I have tested it in a few environments and they are fine. Could you please check your configuration first?
Ah, interesting - the links work while I'm on my university computer, but not from my laptop, so I'm guessing it's got something to do with having university affiliation. I've just put in a pull request which I think should enable this to be downloaded with the repo using git-lfs (and makes the repo installable which would also be useful for me)