
ReferenceError with Next.js13 or 14

Closed this issue · 11 comments

⨯ node_modules\ldrs\dist\lib\LdrsBaseElement.js (1:16) @ HTMLElement
⨯ ReferenceError: HTMLElement is not defined

Next.js13 and 14 with ldrs occur
errors above show in a console when npm run dev and loaders show in dev mode but not in production mode.

Great work on the loaders & website.

Although it would be much better if it were a proper react component so it can be rendered in any type of component since the raw code does.

It can be rendered in any type of component. The current issue is with SSR. There are easy workarounds though. Anyway, I'm closing this issue since I haven't heard from OP, and I think most likely they just need to follow the Next platform guide. Let me know if I'm wrong though!

It can be rendered in any type of component. The current issue is with SSR.

Only said because the raw code (HTML, CSS) works in SSR (nextjs 14 with server components).

Also, more like a suggestion, instead of having to register a loader, expose the loaders as direct component that can be just imported and used directly.
(PS; I am not totally sure if this defeats the web components architecture. tbh I hardly understood the reason of web components. Please correct me if I am wrong.)


import { Ring } from "ldrs";

const SomeComponent = () => {
   return (
         <Ring />

I totally hear you. Web components have to be registered before they work, hence that step. So they're definitely a little less convenient than just using a React component.

The reason I built this library using web components is so that it can be used in any context. So while there's more friction in SSR environments, the components themselves can be used with React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Qwik, etc. You're not wrong that this is a trade-off though. Hopefully web components will integrate well with SSR some day (see, but at the moment it's a bit annoying for sure.

That being said, the components are really just a convenience. As you've pointed out, it's always possible to copy/paste the HTML and CSS. Still a lot easier than spending hours hand-crafting your own elaborate CSS and SVG animation ;)

Thanks for the explanation. really appreciate it.

Hi, did you follow the Nextjs platform guide?

oh I see now I understand.. thanks

I have the same error, but only in my production builds, develop seems to work just fine.

this is my exact code:

'use client';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { lineSpinner } from 'ldrs';

const Loader = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    async function getLoader() {
  }, []);

  return (
    <section className="py-48 main-container lg:py-128  items-center px-24 flex flex-col lg:gap-64 gap-32 max-h-screen h-[calc(100vh-172px)] justify-center">

export default Loader;

I'm using Next 14.1.0 and React 18

Ah okay yea. If you read through the Next guide, you'll see you can't use it that way due to SSR issues. So you either have to load the script in a layout file, or use a dynamic import, like so:

import { useEffect } from 'react'

export default function Loader() {
  useEffect(() => {
    async function getLoader() {
      const { spiral } = await import('ldrs')
  }, [])
  return <l-spiral color="coral"></l-spiral>

This issue gets raised enough that I'm planning on releasing a simple set of wrapper components that do this for you, so people can just import and go without having to read docs.