
Accessibility. Game is not accessible for blind players

Opened this issue · 3 comments

First, thank you for this project, it can be a good base and reference for me to use in case of learning about audio game development.
But there is an issue:
I am a blind player and this game is not accessible for me as for screen reader user.
You can use the following library to provide accessibility for screen readers and keyboard access:
Thank you!

I'm Jim, one of the contributors.
Thanks for this suggestion. Actually, I have thought of adding keyboard access to the project and have already done a little. The screen reader requires us converting all displayed characters to text output (and then to audio output), which is a lot of work and might take some time to done. But still i would like to take it into consideration. (smiling emoji)
Best wishes!

Hello @sevapopov2,

That's true that accessibility was never really taken into account for this project, and that's a shame.
To be honest, I never really implemented anything like this, so it would be new for me, but I'm really looking forward to learn how to do it.

Thanks @JimZhouZZY btw for your implication.

The screen reader requires us converting all displayed characters to text output (and then to audio output), which is a lot of work and might take some time to done.

Hmmm I guess there should be a way to automate this process.
Especially knowing that soon every string displayed on the screen should be located around the same place (because of internalization system), I guess all the strings from there could be sent to the screen reader?

But yeah still it will require time to investigate how to do it properly.

Thank you for your answers!
You can ask on audiogames forum for consultation about providing accessibility of the game. I am sure people will help with that!
From my point I am ready to test the project and report bugs when accessibility starts implementing!
Thank you!