Link to pod files on GitHub
Opened this issue · 7 comments
As suggested at
Since Perl source is now on GitHub, we could link to the GitHub page for that source file to make documentation contributions easy.
This could also include module sources but we should take care not to do it for CPAN-upstream sources.
I think this would be a great idea. 👍 from me
Somewhat related:
Accepting a URL input for text file and render its Pod?
I don't see how that is related, and no, I will not be rendering data from arbitrary URLs.
Pod relies post-rendering to properly display:
While there lacks proper built-in support for so.
(such is also the case for many GitHub Perl files)
Security aspect, should be no worse than GitHub itself:
Which just has to render these files in different manner.
There are methods to render POD from arbitrary URLs to HTML, such as the perldoc command-line program. That is out of scope for this application.
Styling is a significant part, though.
Web accessibility also.