
Generic Makefiles for building Dynamic and Static libraries on Windows and Linux.

Primary LanguageC

What is Makefile4Lib ?
    Makefile4Lib is an organized directory tree that contains
    2 Makefiles and a helper-program so you can easily build
    both static and shared (aka dynamic) C library projects on Windows or Linux.

How should I structure my project ?
    src     - *.c and *.h files.
    lib     - *.a *.so *.so.* (Linux) or *.lib (Windows) files.
        NOTE: If your library depends on other libraries.
    include - *.h files.
        NOTE: Place your library API headers here.

How do I build libraries on Linux ?
    1) Clone this repo into desired location or download it.
        git clone https://github.com/Grishankov-Alexander/Makefile4Lib.git
        cd ./Makefile4Lib
    2) Structure your project according to the instructions above.
    3) Install GNU make program if not installed.
    4) Execute make command.
        make -f GNUmakefile.linux
    P.S. For all available options see "Usage, Variables and Targets" below.

How do I build libraries on Windows ?
    1) Clone this repo into desired location or download it.
        git clone https://github.com/Grishankov-Alexander/Makefile4Lib.git
    2) Structure your project according to the instructions above.
    3) Install GNU make program.
        INFO: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/make
        P.S. Native nmake was tried and it lacks a lot of required functionality.
    4) Launch Developer command prompt for VS.
        INFO: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/building-on-the-command-line
    5) Change directory
        cd ./Makefile4Lib
    4) Execute make command.
        make -f GNUmakefile.win32
    P.S. For all available options see "Usage, Variables and Targets" below.

What is helper/finddeps.c ?
    finddeps.c is a source file that will be compiled into
    a program that recursively finds header dependencies for your C source files.
    This dependencies will be written into "deps.linux" or "deps.windows"
    file which will be included into main GNUmakefile.
    All this is done so that your project will be built correctly
    if you modify your source files or add new headers and libraries.

Usage, Variables and Targets

        1. make -f GNUmakefile.linux LIBNAME="myutils" LIBVERSION="2.1.1" all
            Command above will create static library "build/libmyutils.a",
            dynamic library "build/libmyutils.so.2.1.1" with soname "libmyutils.so.2"
            and symlinks "build/libmyutils.so", "build/libmyutils.so.2" that will point to

        2. make -f GNUmakefile.win32
            Command above will create static library "build/mylib.lib",
            DLL "build/mylib.dll" and it's import library "build/mylibdll.lib".

        For Windows - GNUmakefile.win32
        For Linux - GNUmakefile.linux

        Options to GNU make itself.

        all - Default target. Build static and dynamic libraries into "build" directory.
        intsall (Linux Only) - Build static and dynamic libraries and copy them to system PATH.
            *.h files from "include" directory will be treated as your library API.
        uninstall (Linux Only) - Remove libraries and headers from system PATH.
        clean - Delete everything from the "build" directory.

        LIBNAME - name of the library.
            Default on Linux: mylib
            Default on Windows: mylib
        LIBVERSION (Linux only) - Full library version.
            Default on Linux: 1.0.0
        prefix (Linux only) - Installation path.
            Default on Linux: /usr/local
        CC - C compiler.
            Default on Linux: gcc
            Default on Windows: cl
        CFLAGS - C compiler flags.
            Default on Linux: -O3 -std=c17 -Wall -pedantic
            Default on Windows: /nologo /MD /Wall /O2 /std:c17
        WFLAGS - Macros that control warnings (Windows only).
        LIBSSYSTEM - System libraries to link with.
            Default on Linux: -lc -lm
                P.S. Standard C and math libraries
            Default on Windows:
                P.S. None by default.
                Example: make -f GNUmakefile.win32 LIBSSYSTEM="d3d11.lib ncrypt.lib"