
Unexpected results in generated Report

codewode opened this issue · 0 comments

I am running zap-cli quick-scan with alert-level high, which returns zero issues, but the generated report lists Medium and Low alerts. how can I avoid the generated report, not to include any medium or low alerts. Here is how I run my tests.

docker run -d -p 8090:8090 -i owasp/zap2docker-stable -daemon -port 8090 -host -config api.disablekey=true -config".*" -config api.addrs.addr.regex=true
zap-cli policies set-strength -s "High" 
zap-cli policies set-threshold -t "High"
zap-cli  quick-scan -o '-config scanner.attackOnStart=true -config view.mode=attack -config connection.dnsTtlSuccessfulQueries=-1 -config* -config api.addrs.addr.regex=true' -s xss,sqli --spider --alert-level "High" --recursive https://MYURL

the docker logs looks like

97724 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - start host https://MYURL | CrossSiteScriptingScanRule strength HIGH threshold HIGH
106519 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host/plugin https://MYURL | CrossSiteScriptingScanRule in 8.797s with 0 message(s) sent and 0 alert(s) raised.
106519 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - start host https://MYURL | PersistentXssPrimeScanRule strength HIGH threshold HIGH
114712 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host/plugin https://MYURL | PersistentXssPrimeScanRule in 8.193s with 0 message(s) sent and 0 alert(s) raised.
114713 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - start [host https://MYURL](https://MYURL) | PersistentXssSpiderScanRule strength HIGH threshold HIGH
119656 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host/plugin https://MYURL | PersistentXssSpiderScanRule in 4.943s with 81 message(s) sent and 0 alert(s) raised.
119657 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - start host https://MYURL | PersistentXssScanRule strength HIGH threshold HIGH
129123 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host/plugin https://MYURL| PersistentXssScanRule in 9.466s with 0 message(s) sent and 0 alert(s) raised.
129124 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - start host https://MYURL | SqlInjectionScanRule strength HIGH threshold HIGH
136959 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host/plugin https://MYURL | SqlInjectionScanRule in 7.836s with 0 message(s) sent and 0 alert(s) raised.
136959 [Thread-9] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.HostProcess - completed host https://MYURL in 107.097s with 0 alert(s) raised.
136960 [Thread-8] INFO  org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Scanner - scanner completed in 107.127s

and the xml generated report is

zap-cli report -o OWASP-ZAP-Report.xml -f xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<OWASPZAPReport version="2.11.1" generated="Thu, 3 Feb 2022 09:52:03">
		<site name="https://MYURL" host="MYURL" port="443" ssl="true">
						<alert>CSP: Wildcard Directive</alert>
						<name>CSP: Wildcard Directive</name>
						<riskdesc>Medium (Medium)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;The following directives either allow wildcard sources (or ancestors), are not defined, or are overly broadly defined: &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;connects-src, frame-ancestors, form-action&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The directive(s): frame-ancestors, form-action are among the directives that do not fallback to default-src, missing/excluding them is the same as allowing anything.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
									<evidence>default-src </evidence>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Ensure that your web server, application server, load balancer, etc. is properly configured to set the Content-Security-Policy header.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<alert>CSP: script-src unsafe-inline</alert>
						<name>CSP: script-src unsafe-inline</name>
						<riskdesc>Medium (Medium)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;script-src includes unsafe-inline.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
									<evidence>default-src </evidence>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Ensure that your web server, application server, load balancer, etc. is properly configured to set the Content-Security-Policy header.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<alert>CSP: style-src unsafe-inline</alert>
						<name>CSP: style-src unsafe-inline</name>
						<riskdesc>Medium (Medium)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;style-src includes unsafe-inline.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Ensure that your web server, application server, load balancer, etc. is properly configured to set the Content-Security-Policy header.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<alert>Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion</alert>
						<name>Cross-Domain JavaScript Source File Inclusion</name>
						<riskdesc>Low (Medium)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;The page includes one or more script files from a third-party domain.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
									<evidence>&lt;script type=&quot;application/javascript&quot; src=&quot;; id=&quot;u5MUYXh1&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</evidence>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Ensure JavaScript source files are loaded from only trusted sources, and the sources can&apos;t be controlled by end users of the application.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<alert>Incomplete or No Cache-control Header Set</alert>
						<name>Incomplete or No Cache-control Header Set</name>
						<riskdesc>Low (Medium)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;The cache-control header has not been set properly or is missing, allowing the browser and proxies to cache content.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
									<evidence>max-age=600, must-revalidate</evidence>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Whenever possible ensure the cache-control HTTP header is set with no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<alert>Timestamp Disclosure - Unix</alert>
						<name>Timestamp Disclosure - Unix</name>
						<riskdesc>Low (Low)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;A timestamp was disclosed by the application/web server - Unix&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Manually confirm that the timestamp data is not sensitive, and that the data cannot be aggregated to disclose exploitable patterns.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<otherinfo>&lt;p&gt;20010904, which evaluates to: 1970-08-20 14:35:04&lt;/p&gt;</otherinfo>
						<alert>Information Disclosure - Suspicious Comments</alert>
						<name>Information Disclosure - Suspicious Comments</name>
						<riskdesc>Informational (Low)</riskdesc>
						<desc>&lt;p&gt;The response appears to contain suspicious comments which may help an attacker. Note: Matches made within script blocks or files are against the entire content not only comments.&lt;/p&gt;</desc>
						<solution>&lt;p&gt;Remove all comments that return information that may help an attacker and fix any underlying problems they refer to.&lt;/p&gt;</solution>
						<otherinfo>&lt;p&gt;The following pattern was used: \bDB\b and was detected 8 times, the first in the element starting with: &quot;var bL=function(c4){var dg,dh,dk,c3,da,db,df,dd,cU,cW,c7,du,dQ,dl,dN,cV,cY,di,cS,dw=&quot;sizzle&quot;+1*new Date,c2=c4.document,c8=0,cZ=0&quot;, see evidence field for the suspicious comment/snippet.&lt;/p&gt;</otherinfo>