
contact me at your leisure please sir.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been looking to find out exactly what's happened for the longest time now and I happened across this experiments several times too many to be coincidental I'm having a lot of problems now and I wonder if you can contact me I know you can I wonder will you maybe you can help explain to me how I can fix some of the damage happened as a result possibly as a result of this experiment done maybe someone else has taking your experimental results and ran in a terrible direction with it I'm not sure but could you please contact me GitHub I don't use GitHub too often now because I no longer have a computer... yeah I've been through a few now my public email suffice just please send it twice was something noticeable and the subject line please so I recognize it and it doesn't go to junk
Jessica AKA BeeRillie AKA Badness

I assume you are only finding the webhook URL in public GitHub repos? I ask because I just checked in some source code to a private repo and Slack disabled my webhook because it was on a public URL. I would really like to be able to check in my code as is...any thoughts?
