
Basic Chat moves my chat windows way off the screen

Closed this issue · 6 comments

So i used the Basic Chat mods and it moved my chat window wayyyyy off screen. I'm playing on a laptop with 1366x768 screen, and my in game resolution i set it to 1280x720 with UI Scale set on 0.81

so i deactivated the basic chat mods and had to redo my layout-cache.txt inside the Game Folder/WTF/Account/AccountName/RealmName/CharacterName/layout-cache.txt


and i really love this mods, especially the center ui 🔥

Thanks for the feedback! I'll do some testing with more resolutions and can hopefully have a solution for you soon!

I've just uploaded a new version of basic chat please let me know if this fixes the issue!

Apologies that you had to reset the layout-cache, if something does go wrong again you might be able to reset the chat boxes in-game by using the in game simple chat option:

  1. Uncheck Basic Chat from Advanced Options > Okay
  2. Interface Options > Simple Chat > Check > Okay
  3. Interface Options > Simple Chat > Uncheck > Okay

Hi, this is my chat window looks like after i updated the basic-chat module

In line 14 & 15, Is it because I'm using it with Beardley's Diablo Orbs Vanilla UI as it change my action bar size?

It's still slightly off, i can live with it and move it manually :D

That's great the boxes haven't gone off the screen!

Currently the mod uses the size of the action buttons as a reference to position the chat boxes. I've tried to find a way that would work with all resolutions but I've only tested with the default UI so far so there may be a better way. As the space next the the action bar gets smaller as the resolution gets smaller I've set it to put the boxes above the action bar at the bottom and away from the action bars on the sides.

Lines 14 and 15 control the x and y position of the boxes. You can increase the value of line 15 for the height or once the chat is setup as you say you can disable and move the boxes as you like.

With this mod the intention is just a quick way to setup chat boxes (like you have in pfUI) and you can move them later if needed.

I've uploaded a new version with the height slightly increased so this may help!

Thank you, i love you my man, apparently indeed Diablo Orbs addon messed with the module

this is without Diablo Orbs addon

And this with the Diablo Orbs addon

i can happily use it now, and thank you so much for the setclampedtoscreen

Fantastic! I'm glad that's helped! Hope you enjoy and please continue to give any feedback it's really helpful!