
All features Automated Testing

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Axlfc commented

Basically we can divide this in two different algirthm. The first one is about code health and static checking of the code. Such as codacy, but for the customizer rules :
Examples of things of health this algorithm could revise:

  • All features have the mandatory properties
  • All features are using a pool of the possible properties and not outdated ones
  • Look for discrepancies such as defining an icon, bashfunction or file but the feature has not got a folder.

The second one should be about dynamic execution, so when a feature is executed the customizer itself can have a code to check the current execution conditions in order to log them into our test file; this could include the installed property, OS_NAME property, loaded package manager, XDG_DESKTOP_DIR... and toher information relevant of the current instance.
For each installation there should be a test function that checks that each property has been executed with the expected results
It should generate documentation of each feature