
Menu can be opened during a Cutscene or on top of the Interaction Menu

tomilovsenya opened this issue · 5 comments

The title is self-explanatory. I heard there's no good way of determining whether a cutscene is playing or the interaction menu is active, but can't be sure.


Here's a screen if needed.

Enabling a menu during a cutscene can be useful for some some mods.

If you really don't want to enable the menu during a cutscene, use something like Game.Player.CanControlCharacter.

Oh, yeah, I simply forgot that such native exists. But what about the collision with the Interaction Menu opened?

Well, I don't know how you can avoid collisions with the interaction menu because as far as I know the same Scaleform's are used. You can't do a check with _HAS_NAMED_SCALEFORM_MOVIE_LOADED or HAS_SCALEFORM_MOVIE_LOADED.

If you really don't want the menus to open when there is a cutscene active, use IS_CUTSCENE_ACTIVE or IS_CUTSCENE_PLAYING.

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