
Deprecation of NativeUI

justalemon opened this issue · 1 comments

For existing and future developers, please note that NativeUI is now a deprecated library and it will not receive bug fixes and new features.

If you want to create a Rockstar-like menu system, don't worry! There is now LemonUI, which is a replacement for NativeUI that adds a lot of improvements and fixes.

For Users

If you see a mod that is still using NativeUI, please kindly tell the mod developer that NativeUI is deprecated. Feel free to drop a link to this GitHub issue so he knows what to do next.

For Developers

Updating from NativeUI to LemonUI is pretty straight forward. Just check the Upgrade Guide and replace the function names with those from LemonUI and you are done!

If a NativeUI function that you are using does not has a replacement in LemonUI or you need something specific, feel free to open an issue on the LemonUI repo.

Aight @Guad we are ready.

Feel free to mark the NativeUI NuGet package as deprecated (instructions here, ideally all versions should be Deprecated and not unlisted with LemonUI.SHVDN2 set as the replacement).