
Support for extracting arm64e bitcode files

localacct opened this issue · 3 comments


I am wondering if support for extracting arm64e bitcode files will be added in the future?

Hi @localacct

Currently the github repository is slightly out-of-date. We're in the process of upstreaming some of our local changes. We haven't seen any issues with arm64e binaries yet. I assume you tried it and it doesn't work: do you have any output/errors?
If you can provide us some details we can update the repo in the coming weeks to be fully compatible again.

Hi @Travolter

There wasn't any errors. It seems that the tool currently supports only armv7 and arm64 extraction? I tried supplying "-a arm64e" to the tool but I don't think its recognized.

If I use "-a arm64" then ebcutil will just extract arm64 and not arm64e bitcode files. If bitcode files were extracted, I would see some output such as the architecture and the compilation and linking options. I saw no output when I tried to extract arm64e.

I suppose arm64 and arm64e are similar as they both use the 64 bit data structures etc when I used MachOView to look at the binary.

Hi @Travolter

So I managed to get the arm64e bitcode files extracted by not specifying the architecture (ebcutil -e ), so ebcutil will extract the bitcode files for both arm64 and arm64e.