
No audio buffer error on running audio examples

rishavs opened this issue · 2 comments

If I try to use the
example, I am getting a no audio buffer error.

C:\Users\risharan\Documents\GitHub\rayni>nimble run rayni
  Verifying dependencies for rayni@0.1.0
   Building rayni/rayni.exe using c backend
INFO: Initializing raylib 2.6-dev
INFO: Display device initialized successfully
INFO: Display size: 3240 x 2160
INFO: Render size: 800 x 450
INFO: Screen size: 800 x 450
INFO: Viewport offsets: 0, 0
INFO: GLAD: OpenGL extensions loaded successfully
INFO: OpenGL 3.3 Core profile supported
INFO: GPU: Vendor:   Intel
INFO: GPU: Renderer: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
INFO: GPU: Version:  3.3.0 - Build
INFO: GPU: GLSL:     3.30 - Build
INFO: Number of supported extensions: 224
INFO: [EXTENSION] DXT compressed textures supported
INFO: [EXTENSION] ETC2/EAC compressed textures supported
INFO: [EXTENSION] ASTC compressed textures supported
INFO: [EXTENSION] Anisotropic textures filtering supported (max: 16X)
INFO: [TEX ID 1] Texture created successfully (1x1 - 1 mipmaps)
INFO: [TEX ID 1] Base white texture loaded successfully
INFO: [SHDR ID 1] Shader compiled successfully
INFO: [SHDR ID 2] Shader compiled successfully
INFO: [SHDR ID 3] Shader program loaded successfully
INFO: [SHDR ID 3] Default shader loaded successfully
INFO: Internal buffers initialized successfully (CPU)
INFO: Internal buffers uploaded successfully (GPU)
INFO: OpenGL default states initialized successfully
INFO: [TEX ID 2] Texture created successfully (128x128 - 1 mipmaps)
INFO: [TEX ID 2] Default font loaded successfully
INFO: Audio device initialized successfully
INFO: Audio backend: miniaudio / WASAPI
INFO: Audio format: 32-bit IEEE Floating Point -> 32-bit IEEE Floating Point
INFO: Audio channels: 2 -> 2
INFO: Audio sample rate: 44100 -> 44100
INFO: Audio buffer size: 1320
INFO: Audio multichannel pool size: 16
File FOund
INFO: Audio stream loaded successfully (44100 Hz, 16 bit, Mono)
INFO: [assets/guitar_noodling.ogg] Music file successfully loaded:
INFO:    Total samples: 6602752
INFO:    Sample rate: 44100 Hz
INFO:    Sample size: 16 bits
INFO:    Channels: 1 (Mono)
ERROR: PlayMusicStream() : No audio buffer
     Error: Execution failed with exit code 1
        ... Command: C:\Users\risharan\Documents\GitHub\rayni\bin\rayni.exe

It was just my another attempt to fix some pointer-related inconveniences.
Binding generator is now fixed, so redownload headers and try again.

Thank you. I can confirm that the latest code fixed the issue.