
could not load: raygui.dll

shiMusa opened this issue · 4 comments

First of all, I'm a total noob, so I might just not understand how it works...

I downloaded the libraylib.dll and your raygui.dll and using your Nim wrappers I tried the basic example (see below). Unfortunately I can't compile due to the error could not load: raygui.dll.

Any ideas? Maybe the libgui.dll is not updated for raylib 3.0 yet?

Thanks for any help!

import lenientops, raylib, raygui
InitWindow 800, 600, "RayLib/[nim]"
SetTargetFPS 60

# Camera Setup
var camera = Camera(position: Vector3(z: -15.0f, y: 10), up: Vector3(y: 0.5), fovy: 45.0)
camera.SetCameraMode CAMERA_ORBITAL

# Main
while not WindowShouldClose():

    GuiLabel Rectangle(x: 10, y: 0, width: 100, height: 25), "by V.A. Guevara"
    ClearBackground BLACK

    DrawGrid 10, 1.0f 
    DrawSphere Vector3(), 0.5f, RED

        (slogan, size) = ("/Hello from Nim/", 20)
        width = MeasureText(slogan, size)

    slogan.DrawText (GetScreenWidth() - width) div 2, GetScreenHeight() div 2 - 100, size, LIGHTGRAY
    DrawRectangleV Vector2(x: 10, y: 10), Vector2(x: GetScreenWidth()-20.0, y: GetScreenHeight() - 20.0), Color(r:255, a:20)


Trying to start the compiled program gives me:

Entry Point Not Found:

The procedure entry point LoadText could not be located 
in the dynamic link library C:\...\rayguy.dll .

Commenting out the GuiLabel ... line makes the program compile just fine

Nice catch ! Updated pre-compiled .dll

Just checked: working fine!
Thanks for the quick fix :D