Automatically exported from
This class is wrapper around the MS Windows Image Acquisition Library (wiaaut.dll). Big thanks to the developers of com4j.
I couldn't figure out how to get the raw data from IImageFile
Things i tried
byte[] imgBuffer = (byte[]) imageFile.fileData().binaryData();//binaryData() always returned null!
The only way i found to retrieve the byte[] was to iterate through the IVector, which obviously was taking too much time...
IVector vector = imgfile.fileData();
byte[] buffer = new byte[vector.count()];
for(int i=1;i<=vector.count();i++)
Short sh = (Short)vector.item(i);
buffer[i - 1] = sh.byteValue();
when scanning multiple documents from the feeder, if the method throws an exception the half of paper is stuck in feeder.Tried executing the
but got a Not Implemented exception.
Wia4j wia4j = new Wia4j();
Map<Integer, Integer> props = new HashMap<>();
//scan B&W
props.put(Wia4j.WIA_IPS_CUR_INTENT, WiaImageIntent.TextIntent.comEnumValue());
try {
//scan using the default dialogs from WIA
* Scans a single page from the feeder
* Warning! if there are multiple pages in the feeder, the next page will be stucked in the feeder!
wia4j.scan("D:\\images\\test2.png", true, true, WiaImageFormat.wiaFormatPNG, props);
//scans page from flatbed
wia4j.scan("D:\\images\\test3.png", false, true, WiaImageFormat.wiaFormatPNG, props);
// change intent to color
props.put(Wia4j.WIA_IPS_CUR_INTENT, WiaImageIntent.ColorIntent.comEnumValue());
wia4j.scan("D:\\images\\test4.png", true, true, WiaImageFormat.wiaFormatPNG, props);
wia4j.scan("D:\\images\\test5.png", false, true, WiaImageFormat.wiaFormatPNG, props);
} catch (WiaOperationException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Wia4jTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//scan all pages in the feeder
try {
wia4j.scan("D:\\images", true, WiaImageFormat.wiaFormatJPEG, props, new ImageCallback<String>() {
public void handleImage(String image) {
} catch (WiaOperationException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Wia4jTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Requirements WIA COM should be registered. (already registered on Vista or above)
com4j should be in your classpath