GuillaumeGomez/tuto-rust-fr - Error of implementation

k0pernicus opened this issue · 5 comments

This is some code written in the blog :

trait Animal {
    fn get_nom(&self) -> String {

    fn get_nombre_de_pattes(&self) -> usize {

struct Chien {
    nom: String,
    nombre_de_pattes: usize

struct Chat {
    nom: String,
    nombre_de_pattes: usize

struct Oiseau {
    nom: String,
    nombre_de_pattes: usize

struct Araignee {
    nom: String,
    nombre_de_pattes: usize

impl Animal for Chien {}
impl Animal for Chat {}
impl Animal for Oiseau {}
impl Animal for Araignee {}

fn affiche_animal<T: Animal>(animal: T) {
    println!("Cet animal s'appelle {} et il a {} patte(s)", animal.get_nom(),

let chat = Chat { nom : "Félix", nombre_de_pattes: 4};
let spider = Araignee { nom : "Yuuuurk", nombre_de_pattes: 8};


Unfortunately, this code doesn't works because the compiler doesn't know, for the trait Animal with function get_nom, if the self 'object' has a field named 'nom'...

In that case, we have to implement each function which use a field of &self in the impl <Trait> for <Struct>'s body

It certainly changed since I wrote the tuto (it was before the 1.0). If the code doesn't compile, it should be changed.

I will update this code in few hours.

I will update this code in few hours.

Perfect, I let you do it then. Thanks !