
Failed to load tracks from Json config file

matdave opened this issue · 5 comments

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I followed the guide and have everything where it should be, but when I run sushi -r --multicore-processing=2 -c ~/config_files/config_neuralpi_fx.json I get the error Failed to load tracks from Json config file.

Having the same issue and, from what I can tell, it looks like the schema of the json file is not correct. Try checking the contents of /tmp/sushi.log and see if you get more detail.

Created a pull request as it looks like the schema for the configuration files has changed: #37

@razerbeans thanks so much for tracking this down! Will merge and close shortly.

@matdave this should be fixed now thanks to @razerbeans, updated to latest standard, thanks all, closing issue.