
Authentication issue for file Upload

VivekIshir opened this issue · 6 comments

@Maritims I am facing Authentication
403 (Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.)

Hi @VivekIshir, have you managed to fix this issue?

I am getting the same issue. Is it resolved? Please update

did you generate a sas token and did you configure CORS well on you Storage Account ?

it looks like a configuration issue, more than an issue with the library

yes, I have configured CORS as per description. generated SAS token. Still, I am getting error.
Please update

I got the same error, but it was due to that I had an auth-interceptor that added my apps authorization headers to the request (JWT token bearer in my case). When I removed the app authorization header then this library worked.

Just in case someone else see the same issue.

I had the same issue as @bjwela but I'm using a custom header in my interceptor to bypass authentication for certain calls.
It could be good if this library can be extended so we can add custom headers and/or the option to have an extended HttpModule to handle non authenticated calls.