
SAS expired and 403 management

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I made a test:
I upload a large file with SAS setted for 1 minute, correctly after 1 minute receive the http error 403 'Server failed to authenticate the request' in the console, on PUT block action;
then this message
ERROR TypeError: "You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable."

my goal is to be able to manage the 403 SAS error and cancel the upload (or take some other action) but seems like 403 error is not catch...

error: err => {
console.log('my log error:', err); // does not work
this.percent = 0; // does not work
this.uploader.cancel(); // does not work
this.uploader = this.blob.upload(this.config);

thank you.