
Image hosted on Google Drive - not working

Opened this issue · 7 comments


I have an image hosted on google drive, but it is not working when I want to show the Image using your directive Florent, could you help me to solve this problem?

I use this image

Hi !

This is a CORS issue.
I will fix this in the next version (in 2-3 weeks)

For now you can make it work by adding this line of code :

<script>THREE.ImageUtils.crossOrigin = 'use-credential';</script>

between the call of three.js and photosphere.min.js (like that :

<script  src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script>THREE.ImageUtils.crossOrigin = 'use-credential';</script>
<script src=""></script>

Hi Gullfaxi171,

I get error like this:
Redirect at origin '' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost' is therefore not allowed access.

I will wait your next version.


this is because CORS also has to be enabled server-side. You can't use this link :

but you have to use this one :

I get it,

could you let me ask one more question?
can I re-render the photosphere by clicking button?, I mean what is the code to re-render it?

This is not possible right now, but I'll try to add this feature in the next version

do you mean re-rendering with the same picture, or rendering in order to switch to another photosphere ?

"<photosphere src="path/img.jpg"  width="1024" height="768"  speed="10" resolution="40" controls="all"> </photosphere>"

if I have this html tag, I update the src attribute via javascript, then re-render it.

Thanks for spending your time.

I have corrected the CORS issue, but I also believe your link is not yet correct
you need to follow this tutorial :

you can use this version of photosphere.min.js :

Can you tell me if you manage to make it work ?